1 cable-international (cb) = 920.62356 links (li). To convert cb to li, multiply the length value by the conversion factor 920.62356.
Number of cables × 920.62356 = Value in links
1 cb = 1 × 920.62356 = 920.62355842 li
Cables [cb] | Links [li] |
1 | 920.62356 |
2 | 1841.24712 |
3 | 2761.87068 |
4 | 3682.49423 |
5 | 4603.11779 |
6 | 5523.74135 |
7 | 6444.36491 |
8 | 7364.98847 |
9 | 8285.61203 |
10 | 9206.23558 |
11 | 10126.85914 |
12 | 11047.4827 |
13 | 11968.10626 |
14 | 12888.72982 |
15 | 13809.35338 |
16 | 14729.97694 |
17 | 15650.60049 |
18 | 16571.22405 |
19 | 17491.84761 |
20 | 18412.47117 |
How many links are there in a cable-international?
There are 920.62356 links in a cable-international.
Which is the bigger unit?
Cable-international is the bigger unit than link.