1 decimeter (dm) = 23.62205 picas (pica). To convert dm to pica, multiply the length value by the conversion factor 23.62205.
Number of decimeters × 23.62205 = Value in picas
1 dm = 1 × 23.62205 = 23.622047244 pica
Decimeters [dm] | Picas [pica] |
1 | 23.62205 |
2 | 47.24409 |
3 | 70.86614 |
4 | 94.48819 |
5 | 118.11024 |
6 | 141.73228 |
7 | 165.35433 |
8 | 188.97638 |
9 | 212.59843 |
10 | 236.22047 |
11 | 259.84252 |
12 | 283.46457 |
13 | 307.08661 |
14 | 330.70866 |
15 | 354.33071 |
16 | 377.95276 |
17 | 401.5748 |
18 | 425.19685 |
19 | 448.8189 |
20 | 472.44094 |
How many picas are there in a decimeter?
There are 23.62205 picas in a decimeter.
Which is the bigger unit?
Decimeter is the bigger unit than pica.