67 inches (in) = 5.58333 feet (ft). To convert 67 inches to feet, divide the length value by the conversion factor 12.
Number of inches ÷ 12 = Value in feet
67 inches = 67 ÷ 12 = 5.5833333333 feet
Inches [in] | Feet [ft] |
67 | 5.58333 |
68 | 5.66667 |
69 | 5.75 |
70 | 5.83333 |
71 | 5.91667 |
72 | 6 |
73 | 6.08333 |
74 | 6.16667 |
75 | 6.25 |
76 | 6.33333 |
77 | 6.41667 |
78 | 6.5 |
79 | 6.58333 |
80 | 6.66667 |
81 | 6.75 |
82 | 6.83333 |
83 | 6.91667 |
84 | 7 |
85 | 7.08333 |
86 | 7.16667 |
How many feet are there in an inch?
There are 0.0833333333 feet in an inch.
Which is the bigger unit?
Foot is the bigger unit than inch.